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LIDS – Learning important digital Skills

Program: Erasmus+ KA204

Reference Number: 2019-1-DE02-KA204- 006342

Beneficiary Organization: Community college in Schrobenhausen, Germany (Volkshochschule Schrobenhausen e.V.)

Short Description

“LIDS – Learning important digital skills” is a project, which intends to disseminate good practices at European level through the training of trainers, who can provide digital skills, particularly in the use of social networks applied to the world of work to disadvantaged adults. The main point is to find out, which “digital learning content” is important to learn for persons, who are under skilled. This list of digital skills will form the LIDS Curriculum. As part of this project, all partners involved gain insights into how our European neighbors are working with online and face to face educational formats and how to use the many tools in their own lessons. By participating, all participants will be part of a European know-how transfer in the field of digital teaching and learning approaches between the participating adult education centers and various educational institutions. The professional development of those working in the adult education sector is a determining factor in the quality of learning. The initial training procedures for staff working in the adult education sector are important and decisive for the future success of the educational action. Through international mobility, the partnership and participants will be able to know different training, working methods and cultural conditions. They will transmit the new knowledge to a significant number of other stakeholders. Comparison of different work or different education systems, combined with the specialist skills of training providers and European strategies, is the most suitable way to provide clarification answers.


The results, events and outcomes of the project are:

  1. LIDS Manual as a digital book in WORD- and PDF-Format containing comparative studies in Europe on methods of approach and on necessary content of learning digital skills in the use of ICT for disadvantaged adults. LIDS will show in this manual a possible Curriculum for these necessary skills.
  2. LIDS Training Course in PowerPoint-Format for organizations staff on how to relate and approach disadvantaged adults and help them to use digital tools applied to the way of work. Each partner develops one specific topic on the digital skills that should be learned. 
  3. LIDS Training Events aimed at adult educators and/or disadvantaged adults. Each partner performs this exercise in their own organization and documents the process through reports, photos, films, and surveys. 
  4. LIDS Transnational Project Meetings: The TPMs are significant parts of the project. That’s why each country is visited twice to get to know the peculiarities better.


Duration: 01/09/2019– 31/08/2022 (36 months)

Website: http://lids.eaiu.org

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