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Gap Tavola Disegno 1 (1)

Programme: Erasmus + KA2 



GAP will develop an innovative training course for professionals and residents. The course will be complemented by a participatory tourism laboratory through which they will be able to put in practice the knowledge acquired and use gamified methodologies to produce a participatory tourism product. GAP will offer a high-quality course and will create innovative transferable tools and methods. 




  • Fostering innovation and sustainability in tourism  
  • Promoting tourism as a tool for individual and community development  
  • Fostering participatory tourism and bottom-up promotion of territories 


  1. Adapting vocational education and training of tourism professionals to labor market needs 
  2. Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training for tourism professionals 
  3. Increasing tourism professionals’ knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism planning and tourism gamification 
  4. Increasing the ability of tourism professionals of implementing participatory processes in tourism development 
  5. Raising stakeholders’ awareness concerning tourism sustainability 
  6. Increasing coordination and stakeholders’ involvement in tourism planning and development 
  7. Fostering civic engagement, sense of belonging and participation of residents to tourism development 



  • European Academy of Certified Education gGmbH (E.A.C.E.) – (Germany) 
  • Accademia IRSEI – Istituto di Ricerca per lo Sviluppo, Economia e Innovazione – APS – 


  • Ergasia Ekpaideftiki Anonymi Etairia – (Greece
  • Mise HERo s.r.o. – (Czech Republic) 
  • Skills Divers, Sociedad Limitada – (Spain)